Awesome Afros Football Card Belt

Size 31-36

Every dude on the belt has an awesome afro and this is the first Awesome Afros Football Card Belt. It fits waist sizes 31-36 and it's a one-of-a-kind. 

Here's the full list of guys with awesome afros that are on this football card belt:

Alden Roche

- Bennie Cunningham

- Charlie Sanders

- Cullen Bryant

- Curtis Johnson

- Dave Smith

- Elvin Bethea

- Fred Cook

- Haven Moses

- Isaac Curtis

- John Pitts

- Larry Brown

- Mack Mitchell

- Roland Harper

- Ron Smith

- Roy Jefferson

- Thom Darden

- Wally Chambers


  • Handmade in America
  • Fits waist sizes 31-36
  • Every belt is a one-of-a-kind
  • Only 1-available
  • Built to be worn